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We are honored to have some of the most important and influential people in our lives stand next to us on the day we commit our lives and love to each other.  Here's a quick look at some of these incredible women.

Stephanie Bitterman

Stephanie is my one and only baby sister.  We have a bond unlike any other.  Through thick and thin we have always been there for each other, and will always continue to be.  Stephanie is my grandest cheerleader and my dearest friend.  I am so excited to be sharing this day with her by my side; it wouldn't be my wedding without her.

Madeline Shepherd

Madeline is my greatest friend from college.  We've been there for each other through many hard break-ups and Madeline was ever-so-patient while living with me the summer I was courting Bonni (i.e. "She's gonna know you have a crush on her if you wear the yellow shirt you bought to impress her the day after she tells you that you should wear yellow more often...").  Our wedding will be exponentially more fun just because Madeline will be there.

Natalie Paley

My cousin Natalie is the oldest of the Senia cousins.  She was often the voice of reason and leadership when we were kids, helping to sort and sell our Halloween candy in a strategic manner, or playing the moody artist in our flying car.  We are so glad she will be a part of our wedding party!

*Caitlyn, my second-oldest Senia cousin, was also asked to be a bridesmaid, but will likely be living in Korea teaching English this September.  We are sad she won't be able to join us but we wish her and Derek luck on their international endeavours!

Nikki Jedlicka

Nikki is my big sister and the lead henchman during our nomadic, mischievous, eventful childhood days.  To me, she was always (and still is) the fearless example who went first and showed me how to go.  In so many ways, Nikki is the strong success story I always try to emulate and is capable of making me laugh in the least amusing of situations. I am proud to have her stand next to me as the maid of honor at my wedding.

Laura Raymond

Laura and I toiled many long years together at Merrifield Garden Center in Fairfax, VA.  Laura has been one of my very dearest and oldest friends for the past 11 years and has been a loyal, generous, boundlessly kind, and incredibly wise companion through many of the most difficult and the most joyous times of my life.  She is my sister by choice and I could not imagine living or marrying without her close by in space and heart.

Jeanette Hunsburger

Jeanette is one of the most dynamic and colorful people I have ever had the privilege of befriending.  She and I also made each other's acquaintance while surviving Merrifield Garden Center and I have been blessed to call her a friend for the past 10 years.  I have yet to meet a person with the same type of special insight, perspective, and openness she brings to her life and relationships and her unique influence on my life is ever-present and ever-cherished.

Karie Mulkowsky

What can I say? I have a thing for garden people....Karie and I also met at Merrifield Garden Center 11 years ago.  In fact, she was the one who took my application, looking me dead in the eye with a strange foreboding and asking "are you sure you want to work here?"  I'm glad I followed through, because through it I befriended Karie, the most big-hearted, accepting, and intelligent person I think exists on the planet.  Her strength, sense of humor, and kindness have always inspired me and her laughter will keep everyone at the wedding smiling!