|  |  | I can still remember the first time I saw Kristy, standing across the way at a friend's wedding. Kristy introduced herself, and after the casual chatting we went our separate ways. For the rest of the evening, we found ourselves locking eyes on more than one occasion, but the reception flew by and was over before we had the chance to talk again. The next morning my friend and I walked into the hotel restaurant for breakfast and saw Kristy sitting by the window. She waved us over and invited us to join her table. We ended up spending the rest of the weekend together. The weekend flew by and soon enough we were on different coasts but a few days later, my phone rang and it was her! We spent hours chatting and from that day on we talked on the phone daily, wrote endless letters back and forth and saw each other on occasion. We fell in love that first weekend and throughout the years our love for each other has continued to grow! She is my best friend and together we have been through so much. We couldn’t even begin to imagine what life would be like without one another! |  | We want to have a timeless wedding right here in Los Angeles, California. The ceremony will begin at 4 in the afternoon and will be lovely! It's only a matter of time until I take those first steps down the sanded aisle wearing my elegant white wedding dress looking at Kristy how amazing and timeless she looks. |  | Please join us in celebrating our new lives together as a newly married couple! There will be dining, dancing, drinks, live entertainment and good times for all! Our wedding reception will be approximately one hour after our wedding and will be held in the Silver Room at Silverton Park. |  | For those of you who will be joining us for our romantic wedding in Los Angeles, California and you are traveling from afar, you can book your flights and room reservations with our travel agent. To book your flights and reserve your rooms now, contact us so we can put you in touch with our travel agent. |  | There were so many honeymoon destinations to choose from with different honeymoon suites and different honeymoon packages. Well, we both got through the search for our romantic honeymoon thanks to all of you! We want to thank all of our friends and family for supporting us and guiding us through life. We love you and may God bless and keep you always! |